Disturbance pushes plants forward! Have you ever seen the way an ecosystem comes back after a tree fall, fire, lava flow, volcanic emissions, hurricane, wind storm, landslide, river overflowing, or floods? The plants have a moment of shock then go into over drive to compensate for the change of ecosystem. This makes the plant vigorous and also pushes the system into the next level of succession. Putting all the material on the ground to decompose into rich soils and allowing shorter stature species to gain good sunlight. This is what we are emulating by working within Syntropic Agroforestry framework.
Donʻt be intimidated, be the windstorm, but be a kind one and leave the plants with clean cuts! They will reward you with their efforts after you put in yours! Yes, we cut down a forest to grow a forest. A more productive and diverse forest will be the outcome giving us our food, timber and medicine. If your looking for what it means to be a human, the answer lies within working with forest ecosystems!
Please start your agroforest this year!